Daily Productive Sharing 388 - Compounds in Decision Making

One helpful tip per day:)



We've discussed the compound interest mechanism many times, and this mechanism in investment applies to all aspects of our lives. Today's discussion is about how to make choices, and yes, the compounding mechanism applies to this as well:

  1. the position we are in today is actually the result of the accumulation of countless choices we have made in the past.
  2. many small choices do not have much impact on our present moment, but over time, time amplifies such impact, so we can potentially sit back and enjoy the benefits or reap their own consequences.
  3. making the right choice is not difficult, the hard part is to keep making the right choice, which is the same as investing, being profitable is not difficult, the hard part is to keep making profit, the hard part is to not lose.

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  1. 我们今天所处的位置其实是由我们过去无数的选择积攒而成的;
  2. 很多微小的选择并不会对我们的当下产生多少影响,但是日积月累,时间会把这样的影响放大,所以我们有可能坐享其成,也可能自食其果;
  3. 做出正确的选择并不难,难的是一直做出正确的选择,这就和投资一样,盈利并不难,难的是一直盈利,难的是没有什么损失。

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