Daily Productive Sharing 396 - How to Reduce Distractions While Working From Home?

One helpful tip per day:)


#todo #time_management

Working from home makes us feel more distracted, and Matt Birchler shares his thoughts and tips on how to cope with this situation:

  1. interruptions are everywhere, whether at home or in the office, and the key is how we respond to them.
  2. a physical timer would be handy for managing our energy, both to reduce our access to our phones and to make it easier for me to be aware of time.
  3. Shortcut under MacOS can help us consolidate repetitive items and improve our efficiency.

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在家工作时,我们总感觉有很多干扰会影响我们的注意力。Matt Birchler 分享了他的观点和技巧:

  1. 干扰无处不在,不管是在家里还是办公室里,关键是我们如何应对干扰;
  2. 一个实体的计时器会很方便我们管理精力,一来减少我们接触手机的机会,二来可以让我更方便地觉知时间;
  3. MacOS 下的快捷方式能够帮助我们整合重复事项,提高我们的效率。

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