Daily Productive Sharing 421 - How to Spend 5 Minutes Instead of Doing Nothing?

One helpful tip per day:)



What if you have five or six minutes on your hands and don't know how to spend it? Shawn Blanc has a different answer.

  • If you Use Day One scroll through your Day One timeline and read a previous journal entry.
  • Browse some old photos and memories.
  • Launch Day One (or any other journal you have) and log how you’ve spent your time so far for the day.
  • Write down 3 new ideas.
  • Send a text message to a friend or family member to tell them how awesome they are.
  • Stand up and do some stretching / body movement.

Recently, after parking the car, I always finished listening to a podcast episode in the car before going upstairs. It's also a rare moment of peace in the day, especially since it's a relief to get off the highway. I now can understand why many people don't go upstairs until after they've parked their car and had a cigarette.

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如果你手头有五六分钟时间,不知道怎么打发怎么办?我们很可能会掏出手机,刷刷微博,发发微信。Shawn Blanc 则给出了不同的答案:

  • 如果你使用 Day One,滚动浏览你的 Day One 时间线,阅读以前的日记。
  • 浏览一些老照片和回忆。
  • 打开 Day One(或你的其他日记),记录你到目前为止一天的时间是如何度过的。
  • 写下3个新想法。
  • 给朋友或家人发一条短信,告诉他们是多么的了不起。
  • 站起来,做一些伸展/身体运动。

最近停完车,都会在车里把听到一半的 podcast 听完才上楼。这也是一天里难得平静的时刻,特别是每天都从高速上下来,一下子松弛下来。这样一来,我倒是明白了为啥很多人会在停完车抽完一根烟才上楼。

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