Daily Productive Sharing 444 - How to Build A Sustainable Home Office?

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In the midst of the epidemic, many of our friends are stuck at home and, despite the unhappiness, this is a good opportunity to redecorate your home office. Anne-Laure Le Cunff shares a few lessons for creating a sustainable office.

  1. try to use products that are certified sustainable.
  2. print as little as possible.
  3. don't acquire new products for the sake of sustainability, and consider buying used products if the original ones break down.
  4. turn off lights as you leave the room and turn off appliances that are no longer in use as you go.

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疫情当下,很多朋友都被困在家中,尽管不开心,但这也是一个重新布置居家办公室的好机会。Anne-Laure Le Cunff 介绍了几点打造可持续办公室的经验:

  1. 尽量使用通过可持续认证的产品;
  2. 尽量少打印;
  3. 不要为了可持续而购置新产品,如果原有的产品坏了,可以考虑买二手的产品;
  4. 随手关灯,随手关闭不再使用的电器。

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