Daily Productive Sharing 456 - How to Practice Digital Sabbatical?

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Sabbatical evolved from the ancient Hebrew word shabát, meaning a day of rest. Today the word most often refers to the gap year that American professors take every seven years. Fernando Gros attempted a digital Sabbatical in February, during which he worked to reduce his use of electronic devices, which allowed him to:

  1. have more time to reflect.
  2. have more time to care about what is going on around him.

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Sabbatical 演变自古希伯来语的 shabát,意味着休息日。现今这个词最常指代的是美国教授每七年一次的间隔年。Fernando Gros 在两月份的时候尝试了一次 digital Sabbatical,在这期间,他努力减少使用电子设备,这让他:

  1. 有更多的时间反思;
  2. 有更多的时间关心身边的事物。

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