Daily Productive Sharing 461 - Time, Energy and Attention

One helpful tip per day:)


#todo #time_management

Anne-Laure Le Cunff offers a succinct framework for efficiency: time, energy and attention. We can only remain efficient if all three are met. Specifically, we can do the following three points:

  1. Don’t spend your time, invest your time.
  2. Fuel your body and your mind.
  3. Plan for distraction.

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Anne-Laure Le Cunff 提供了一个简洁的效率框架:时间,精力和注意力。只有三者都满足的情况下,我们才能保持高效。具体而言,我们可以做以下三点:

  1. 不要花费你的时间,要投资你的时间。
  2. 为你的身体和大脑补充能量。
  3. 为分心做好提前计划。

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