Daily Productive Sharing 473 - More Work Than You Thought

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David Perell explains why many seemingly simple works actually require more effort:

  1. many seemingly simple works are the result of a lot of trade-offs made by the authors;
  2. in order to make these trade-offs, the authors need to make a lot of effort in the first place;
  3. and how to make these trade-offs are themselves a process of accumulation.

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David Perell 解释了为什么很多看似简单的作品其实需要更多的努力:

  1. 很多看似简单的作品其实是作者做出大量取舍后的结果;
  2. 为了这些取舍,作者们首先需要做出大量的努力;
  3. 而且如何做出取舍本身也是一种积淀的过程。

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