Daily Productive Sharing 483 - What Do I Learn From Two-year Writing?

One helpful tip per day:)

这是一位刚入职场的工程师 Bhupesh Varshney 回顾自己两年来的 blog 经历:

  1. You help someone!
  2. You help yourself
  3. You are mostly alone
  4. You don’t have to be a “content creator

Our DPS Weekly is also celebrating its second birthday soon, so maybe we'll share our thoughts on it then.

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这是一位刚入职场的工程师 Bhupesh Varshney 回顾自己两年来的 blog感想历:

  1. 你在帮助别人
  2. 你在帮助你自己
  3. 你总是孤独的
  4. 你不需要成为一个 "内容创造者"

我们的 DPS 周刊也即将迎来两周年的生日,也许到时候我们也会分享自己的感想。

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