Daily Productive Sharing 506 - Saying No to Gain Efficiency

One helpful tip per day:)

Jemes Clear shared that it would greatly improve his efficiency by saying No.

  1. saying no actually coincides with the opportunity cost in economics: refusing one thing is the same as leaving time for other things; conversely, a casual yes will yield time to those things.
  2. saying no is a decision, while saying yes is a responsibility.
  3. to learn to say no, one must first redefine refusal and yes.

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Jemes Clear 认为说"不"能极大地提高他的效率:

  1. 拒绝其实吻合经济学里的机会成本:拒绝一样事情,等于为其他事情留下了时间;反之,随意地答应会把时间让渡给这些事;
  2. 拒绝是一种决策,而答应则是一种责任;
  3. 要学会拒绝,首先要重新定义拒绝和答应;

前阵子在频道里分享了部分共情弱势,共情女性的感想,结果收到的抬杠和按踩比过去两年收到的总数还多。有几个 troller 还反复变着花样抬杠,最后全部拉黑赶走。对于我来说,这也是一种拒绝,他们的反应正好帮助我过滤掉这些非目标读者。

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