Daily Productive Sharing 512 - Why Is Chasing Middle Ground Not the Best Strategy?

One helpful tip per day:)

One strategy we often use when bargaining is to take the middle ground between the two sides as the final offer. This works in bargaining, but not in decision making. Moreover, Hannah England calls this false compromise fallacy, and suggests that we can avoid it by.

  1. Consider if consensus is needed.
  2. Evaluate the strength of evidence.
  3. Be open to extreme decisions.

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我们讨价还价时常常采取的一个策略是,取双方的中间值作为最后的报价。这招在讨价还价时的确有效,但是在决策中却是危险的。Hannah England 将这称之为 false compromis fallacy,她建议我们可以通过以下方式来避免这一问题:

  1. 考虑是否需要达成共识。
  2. 评估论据的强度。
  3. 对极端的决定持开放态度。

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