Daily Productive Sharing 554 - How to Bootstrap a Startup While Raising Three Kids

One helpful tip per day:)

Jason Roberts, who raises three children and runs his own business, describes how he manages his time:

  1. taking kids to the gym kills three birds with one stone: the kids have fun, the wife has fun, and he gets in shape.
  2. opening his own company allows him to work from home and also saves a lot of meeting time.
  3. working from home not only saves commuting time, but also gives you more time to spend with your family.

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Jason Roberts 同时养育着三个孩子并自己开了公司,他介绍自己是如何分配时间的:

  1. 将孩子带去健身房可谓一石三鸟:孩子开心,夫人开心,自己也锻炼了身体;
  2. 自己开公司可以在家办公,同时也省去了大量会议时间;
  3. 在家办公不仅节省了通勤时间,也有更多时间和家人共处。

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