Daily Productive Sharing 566 - 35% Efficiency
One helpful tip per day:)
Devon Zuegel, while studying thermodynamics, learned that the average engine can only convert 35% of its energy into power, and she later discovered that people's productivity follows a similar pattern:
- we have real output for only a small fraction of the day.
- almost all people are similar, and much of the output is, in the end, useless.
- even if efficiency is high, people cannot maintain high output for long periods of time, because that would lead to burnout.
- you can pursue efficient productivity, but do not be too frustrated when you can not achieve it.
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Devon Zuegel 在学习热力学时,得知一般的引擎只能把35%的能量转换成动力,她后来发现人们的生产力也遵循类似的规律:
- 我们每天只有很小的一部分时间有真正的产出;
- 几乎所有人都是类似,而很多产出到最后又是无用功;
- 即使效率再高,人也不能长时间保持高产出,因为那样会导致 burnout;
- 你可以追求高效的生产力,但是无法达到时也不要太沮丧。
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