Daily Productive Sharing 584 - Where to Start?

One helpful tip per day:)

Keavy McMinn describes her approach to getting through technical challenges.

  1. the most important thing is to find the right problem.
  2. to find the problem, one needs to talk to users.
  3. talking to different users to find the common problems they face.
  4. talking to different users to find out what their expectations are for solving these problems.
  5. not all senior engineers need to do this, but someone has to do it.
  6. doing these interview studies may intersect with the work of product managers, but doing them in person will make a difference.

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Keavy McMinn 介绍了她切入技术难题的方式:

  1. 最重要的是找到正确的问题;
  2. 要想找到问题所在,需要与用户交谈;
  3. 与不同的用户交谈,找到他们面临的共同问题;
  4. 与不同的用户交谈,找到他们对于解决这些问题的期待;
  5. 不是所有的资深工程师都需要做这些,但是总要有人做这些;
  6. 做这些访谈研究可能会与产品经理的工作有交集,但是亲自去做会有不同的收获。

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