Daily Productive Sharing 597 - How Does Writing Help Design?

One helpful tip per day:)

Paul Stamatiou, an accomplished designer, believes that writing can greatly help him with product design by.

  1. if one wants to understand product strategy, one can analyze existing products and write them down.
  2. if one wants to learn new areas, one can write down what one wants to learn, and why one wants to learn it.
  3. to clear technical debt, you can also write this down.

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Paul Stamatiou 是一位出色的设计师,他认为写作能极大地帮助他完成产品设计:

  1. 如果要想明白产品策略,可以分析现有产品,并写下来;
  2. 如果要想学习新领域,可以把自己想学的,和为什么想学写下来;
  3. 想要清理技术债,也可以把这些写下来。

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