Daily Productive Sharing 604 - How to Ship Fast?
One helpful tip per day:)
Andrew Orsich presents the secrets of how startups can iterate quickly:
- using a fully automated CI/CD deployment process.
- using Monorepo.
- refining the features that need to be implemented, with a refinement that can ideally be implemented in a day or two.
- assigning product and engineering owners to drive the implementation of features.
- freezing code before deploying to production.
- testing will improve productivity in the long run, but may be a drag in the short term.
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Andrew Orsich 介绍了初创公司如何快速迭代的秘诀:
- 使用全自动的 CI/CD 部署流程;
- 使用 Monorepo;
- 将需要实现的功能细化,一个细化的功能最好在一两天内能够实现;
- 指定产品和工程的负责人,让他们来推进功能的实现;
- 在部署到生产前,需要做 code freeze;
- 长远来看,测试会提高生产力,但是短期内可能会拖累。
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