Daily Productive Sharing 616 - How to Doubt Deliberately?

One helpful tip per day:)

Anne-Laure Le Cunff believes that deliberate skepticism can help us think outside the box and look at things from a different perspective. In practice, we can:

  1. Practicing deliberate doubt requires regularly challenging your own beliefs and assumptions.
  2. Another way to practice deliberate doubt is to seek out a diverse range of experiences and expertise.
  3. Finally, test your beliefs with evidence.

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Anne-Laure Le Cunff 认为特意怀疑能够帮助我们跳出固有的思维定势,从不同的角度来看待问题。实践而言,我们可以这么做

  1. 练习特意怀疑需要定期挑战自己的信念和假设。
  2. 练习特意怀疑的另一个方法是寻求不同的经验和专业知识。
  3. 最后,用证据来检验你的想法。

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