Daily Productive Sharing 670 - The Four Horsemen of the Tech Recession
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Ben Thompson analyzes the reasons for the recent tech industry layoffs.
- the dividends of the extremely rapid expansion of COVID have been exhausted.
- the SaaS industry, represented by AWS / Zoom, etc., has received the impact of the decline of other technology companies and is performing poorly.
- the durability of hardware makes consumers stop updating during the economic down cycle, so that is also a big impact on the hardware industry.
- the impact of interest rates.
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Ben Thompson 分析了近来科技业大裁员的原因:
- COVID 极速扩张的红利已经消耗殆尽;
- 以 AWS / Zoom 等为代表的 SaaS 行业收到其他科技公司衰退的影响,表现也很差劲;
- 硬件的耐用性使得消费者在经济下行周期内不再更新,这样对硬件行业也是很大的冲击;
- 利率的影响。
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