Daily Productive Sharing 676 - When Self-Discipline Is Difficult

One helpful tip per day:)

Mark Manson points out that relying on willpower to be disciplined is difficult to sustain:

  1. We often associate self-discipline with self-denial, which makes us feel even worse when we fail;
  2. If we shift our perspective and recognize that failure is an inevitable part of our journey and that success is incidental, then we can accept failure with equanimity;
  3. As a result, we have no reason to punish ourselves for our failures;
  4. The secret to long-lasting self-discipline is shifting from self-denial to self-acceptance.

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Mark Manson 指出依靠意志力的自律是难以维系的:

  1. 我们通常将自律与自我责备联系在一起,这样一旦失败就会让我们更加难过;
  2. 如果我们换一个角度,承认失败是必然陪伴我们的,而成功才是偶然的,那我们就可以坦然接受失败;
  3. 这样一来,我们也就没有理由因为失败而惩罚自己了;
  4. 从自我责备转变为自我认可才是长久自律的秘诀。

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