Daily Productive Sharing 678 - How to Create Luck

One helpful tip per day:)

Swyx believes that luck can be created:

  1. He categorizes luck into four types based on active/passive criteria: coincidence luck, active luck, prepared luck, and magnetic luck;
  2. He also categorizes luck into four types based on habitual/strategic criteria: exploring luck, prospecting luck, privileged luck, and observing luck.
  3. He encourages the prospecting approach to luck: moving towards areas with more luck and strategically capturing it.

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swyx 认为运气是可以被创造的:

  1. 他将运气按照主动/被动分为四种:偶然的运气,主动的运气,有所准备的运气和磁力版的运气;
  2. 他将运气按照习惯/策略分为另四种角度:探索而获得的运气,勘探而获得的运气,享有特权的运气和观察而获得的运气。
  3. 他鼓励像勘探石油一般地获得运气:朝着运气较多的地方前进,有策略地捕获运气。

[[Daily Productive Sharing 558 - 20221005]]

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