Daily Productive Sharing 707 - Reading Writing by Humans

One helpful tip per day:)

Jay Caspian Kang expressed his views on AI-generated text in his column for The New Yorker:

  1. Just as athletes continually practice, people constantly write in order to one day produce better text;
  2. Writing is an extension of reading, and many works are derivatives of previous works;
  3. Often, we read simply to seek ourselves in others' works or to see if the author can continue to create.

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Jay Caspian Kang 在 NewYorker 的专栏上表达了自己对于 AI 生成文本的看法:

  1. 就像运动员持续地练习一样,人们持续地写作,是为了有一天写出更好的文字;
  2. 写作是阅读的延伸,很多作品是前人作品的衍生;
  3. 很多时候,我们阅读,只是为了从作品中寻找自我,或者看看那个作者是否还能继续创作。

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