Daily Productive Sharing 712 - Reading Changes your Brain

One helpful tip per day:)

Jack Close analyzed why reading novels can change our brains:

  1. The length of books allows us to immerse ourselves in them and explore their intricacies;
  2. When we are in a novel, we can see the world through the character's perspective, which is often different from our own;
  3. Reading novels can also enhance our visual and auditory abilities.

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Jack Close 分析了为什么阅读小说能够改变我们的大脑:

  1. 书籍的长度能够让我们沉浸其中,挖掘其中的奥妙;
  2. 置身小说之中,我们可以通过主人公的视角来看待世界,这一角度往往和我们自己的不同;
  3. 阅读小说还能提高我们的视觉和听觉。

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