Daily Productive Sharing 717 - Is Critical Thinking Still Important?

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Gergely Orosz observed that there are two undesirable trends in the tech industry: using jargons and thought leaders. To change these, we need to engage in more active critical thinking:

  1. If someone cannot explain a concept without using jargons, they may not truly understand the concept;
  2. When we hear recommendations from thought leaders, we should not trust them blindly, but verify the information ourselves;
  3. AI often behaves like thought leaders, fabricating facts, and it requires us to verify the information;
  4. We should keep verifying and asking questions until we truly understand something.

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Gergely Orosz 观察到科技业有两种不好的风气:充斥着行话,充斥着意见领袖。要想改变这些,我们需要更主动地批判性思考:

  1. 如果一个人无法不用行话来解释某一个概念,那么 ta 很可能并不真正理解这一概念;
  2. 当我们听到意见领袖的推荐,不要基于相信他们,要自己去查证;
  3. 当下的 AI 很多时候会表现得像意见领袖一样,会捏造事实,需要我们自己去查证;
  4. 直到我们真正了解一件事物之前,我们要不停地查证,不停地询问。

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