Daily Productive Sharing 721 - How to Trick Your Mind Into Falling Asleep

One helpful tip per day:)

Erica Sloan introduces three techniques to help with falling asleep:

  1. Carve out time in the evening to worry: Write these concerns down on paper;
  2. Use paradoxical intention: To fall asleep, you can keep your eyes open, and as time goes on, you'll become tired enough to fall asleep;
  3. Practice the "cognitive shuffle": Many times, the inability to sleep is due to our minds still analyzing unresolved matters from the day; we can try expanding our thoughts, which allows us to stop overanalyzing.

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Erica Sloan 介绍了三种帮助入眠的技巧:

  1. 在睡前划出时间来释放担忧:将这些担忧写在纸上;
  2. 使用悖论式意图:为了睡着,可以保持睁眼,这样时间一长,就能睡着了;
  3. 练习“认知洗牌”:很多时候睡不着,是因为我们还在分析白天未能消化的事物,我们可以尝试展开联想,从而让自己停止分析。

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