Daily Productive Sharing 725 - Chatbots Are Not the Future

One helpful tip per day:)

Amelia Wattenberger believes that the current chat interfaces are not the best form of interaction for large language models (llm):

  1. Good interaction designs should be intuitive for users to start using immediately, while the current chat interfaces are blank.
  2. The current interaction design requires users to repeatedly enter commands, which is not easy.
  3. When a task requires a lot of user input, it makes users feel in control of the tool, and vice versa.
  4. When a task cannot be fully automated, the design of its interaction becomes very important.

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Amelia Wattenberger 认为当下聊天页面并不是大语言模型最好的交互形式:

  1. 好的交互形式能让人立马上手,而当下的聊天页面一片空白;
  2. 当下的交互形式需要用户反复输入指令,并不容易;
  3. 当一项任务需要大量的用户输入,会让用户感到他们掌控着工具,反之亦然。
  4. 当一项任务无法被完全自动化,那么它的交互形式就变得非常重要了。

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