Daily Productive Sharing 956 - Intentional Curiosity

One helpful tip per day:)

Anne-Laure Le Cunff points out that distraction is inevitable because it is determined by the physiological structure of the brain, but we can consciously guide ourselves to turn these distractions into curiosity:

  1. There are two parts of the brain that process attention: the prefrontal cortex and the parietal lobe. The latter was once essential for survival, very sensitive to external reactions, and would produce stress responses. This is also the main source of distraction.
  2. Besides removing distractions (such as mobile phones), we can also consciously increase the burden on our attention, for example, playing white noise can occupy a part of our attention to prevent it from being taken over by distractions.
  3. We can also analyze what distracts us, thereby better guiding ourselves back to the task at hand.
  4. From time to time, we can also let our minds wander, allowing ourselves to daydream following the thoughts of our brain.

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Anne-Laure Le Cunff 指出分心是不可避免的,因为这是由大脑的生理结构决定的,但是我们可以有意识地引导自己,把这些分心变成好奇心:

  1. 大脑中有两部分处理注意力:前额叶和顶叶。后者曾经是为了生存而存在的,对于外界的反应非常敏感,会做出应激反应。这也是分心的主要来源;
  2. 除了移除干扰源(比如手机)以外,我们还可以有意识增加我们注意力的负担,比如播放白噪音就可以占用一部分注意力,以免这些被干扰源占据;
  3. 我们还可以分析什么会让我们分心,从而更好地引导自己回到任务中;
  4. 时不时地,我们也可以放空大脑,让我们跟着大脑的思绪做做白日梦。

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