Daily Productive Sharing 983 - 3 Questions for Netflix Co-Founder

One helpful tip per day:)

If you had the chance to ask Netflix's founder some questions, what would you ask? Collaborative Fund posed three questions to Marc Randolph:

  1. What aren’t people talking about enough?
  2. What have you changed your mind about lately?
  3. What’s a piece of commonly accepted advice you think is wrong?

Marc provided the following responses:

  1. Even when Netflix was first starting out, he made sure to leave work at 5 PM every Tuesday to have a date night with his wife. This not only strengthened his relationship but also set an example for the entire company.
  2. Years ago, he decided to change one of his ideas each month. Now, he no longer worries about whether something is right or wrong but focuses more on the reasons behind it.
  3. Changing your mind doesn't necessarily mean switching from one extreme to another but finding a balance somewhere in between.
  4. A company's mission should be to test an idea as quickly, cheaply, and easily as possible, iterate on it, and if it doesn't work, move on to the next idea and repeat the process.

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如果你有机会向 Netflix 的创始人提问,你会问什么问题?Collaborative Fund 向 Marc Randolph 提了三个问题:

  1. What aren’t people talking about enough?
  2. What have you changed your mind about lately?
  3. What’s a piece of commonly accepted advice you think is wrong?

Marc 给出了相应的回复:

  1. 即使在刚刚创建 Netflix 的时候,他每周二都五点准时下班,回家和妻子约会。这不仅巩固了他和妻子的关系,而且给全司树立了榜样;
  2. 多年前,他决定每个月改变一个自己的想法,他现在不再纠结一件事到底对不对,而更关注为什么;
  3. 改变自己的想法不见得是从黑变成白,而是更接近两者之间;
  4. 一家公司的使命就是尽可能快,尽可能便宜,尽可能容易地验证一个点子,然后迭代,不行的话,就换一个点子,重复以上步骤。

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