DPS 周刊 54 - Eat Your Own Sh*t

传说中张一鸣是个非常严格的延迟满足者,他会为了长久的目标而做出巨大的短期牺牲,所以他做成了字节。当然他自己大概从来都不会用抖音吧。毕竟抖音事当下偏差 (present bias) 的代表作。反过来,畅销书 Atomic Habits 的作者 James Clear 则大大方方地推荐了自己读过的自我成长类书籍。所以你会选择张一鸣的抖音,还是 James Clear 的 Atomic Habits

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Ben Kuhn 分享了自己保持专注的一系列技巧:

  1. 积极地禁用手机上的通知,这样他就不会无意识地打开手机了。
  2. 他每天只检查一次电子邮件。
  3. 关于Slack的问题,他尽量让它保持关闭状态,每天分批检查几次。
  4. 他使用第二个显示器,总是显示Complice窗口,上面有他目前正在做进行的长期目标。
  5. 他在手机上屏蔽了大多数网站。
  6. 他隐藏了我手机上的应用程序。
Daily Productive Sharing 501 - How to Keep Focused?
One helpful tip per day:) Ben Kuhn shares his tips about keeping focused: 1. I aggressively disable notifications and badges so that I don’t mindlessly open distracting apps. 2. I only check my email once per day. 3. On the subject of Slack, I try to keep it closed

作为销量超过八百万册的作者 James Clear 是否会阅读同一题材的书籍?他不光大量阅读自我成长这类书籍,还给出了一份详尽的推荐书单,并且附有他写的书摘:

  1. Manual for Living by Epictetus Summary by James Clear
  2. The Practicing Mind by Thomas M. Sterner Summary by James Clear
  3. The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Zander and Benjamin Zander Summary by James Clear
  4. The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone Summary by James Clear
  5. Stumbling on Happiness by Dan Gilbert Summary by James Clear
  6. Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant Read my summary of this book »
  7. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy Read my summary of this book »
  8. 10% Happier by Dan Harris Read my summary of this book »
  9. A Short Guide to a Happy Life by Anna Quindlen Read my summary of this book »
  10. The Richest Man in Babylon* by George S. Clason Read my summary of this book »
  11. Superhuman by Habit* by Tynan Read my summary of this book »
  12. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith Read my summary of this book »
  13. Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson Read my summary of this book »
  14. The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance by Josh Waitzkin
  15. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
  16. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John C. Bogle
Daily Productive Sharing 502 - On Growth
One helpful tip per day:) As the author of more than eight million copies, does James Clear read books on the same subject? Not only does he read a lot of self-growth books, but he also gives an extensive list of recommendations, with book excerpts he has written: 1. Manual

Hannah England 指出当下偏差会影响我们生活的方方面面,比如存不下钱,拖拉等等,为了改变这一偏差,我们可以做三件事:

  1. 写下自己的长期目标,并不断提醒自己;
  2. 延迟到明天再下单;
  3. 坚持十分钟原则:如果要拖拉,不妨试着做这件事十分钟,然后你就会很容易地完成它。
Daily Productive Sharing 503 - How to Deal With Present Bias?
One helpful tip per day:) It says that Yimin Zhang was a very strict delayed gratification person who would make huge short-term sacrifices for long-term goals, so he made ByteDance. Of course, he probably never used TikTok himself. After all, TikTok is a masterpiece of present bias. Hannah Englan…

作为一位软件行业的资深从业者,Evan Prodromou 打算回炉重造,想读取一个计算机硕士的学位。因为他本科学位是物理,自学成才进入了软件行业。

他将目标锁定在美国前二十的计算机系,看看他们十分有合理的远程兼职学位。最后他申请了 CMU, Penn, UT, UIUC 还有 Georgia Tech。

Daily Productive Sharing 504 - How to Find a Remote CS Master Program?
One helpful tip per day:) As a veteran of the software industry, Evan Prodromou wanted to go back to school to get a master’s degree in computer science. Since his undergraduate degree was in physics, he self-taught himself into the software industry. He targeted the top 20 computer science depart…

每次 Apple 发布新硬件产品,我只看两个评测:一是 AnandTech,他们的评测都会用非常翔实的数据来分析性能;二是 John Gruber 的 DaringFireball,他总能用巧妙的比喻来分享自己的体验,把非常硬核的数据用这种巧妙的方式传达出来。

比如这篇介绍 Macbook Air with M2 chip 的文章里,他说之前买 Macbook Pro 13inch with M1 chip 的人和很多人买 SUV 或者大型皮卡的人类似,他们觉得自己需要性能很强的工具,但是买了之后也就是买买菜。比如他说,很多人质疑 M1 芯片的性能,但又不愿亲身体验,这就和一个从来没用过抽水马桶的人一样,他们的脑子里还只有室外如厕的概念。所以说服他们很难,只有让他们亲身体验才行。

Daily Productive Sharing 505 - How to Write a Good Review?
One helpful tip per day:) Whenever Apple releases a new hardware, there are only two reviews I read: one is AnandTech, whose reviews use very informative data to analyze their performance; the second is John Gruber’s [DaringFireball](https:// daringfireball.net), who always uses subtle metaphors to…
