DPS 周刊 55 - 重建秩序
几个月前,我开始每天使用 Noteplan 来记录自己的工作内容。主要是因为现在要同时带几个项目,每天都会有突发情况发生,我的工作内容很难做事先规划,往往一天下来感觉什么都做了,又什么都没做。做这样的记录可以帮助我找回一点秩序感,减少一些无力感。另外也开始在组里推行规律性的 1-1,刚加入组里的同事每两周会和我沟通一次,其他同事每个月和我沟通一次。尽管我们希望保持这样的规律性,但也常常被突发情况打乱,只好改日进行。总体来说收获不少,这些 1-1 让我听到了很多建设性的建议,比如要加强代码的测试,给组里增加更多的分享和学习机会。于是我们也把这两项付诸于实践。
欢迎订阅《生产力周报》 专栏,获得最新生产力建议!
Jemes Clear 认为说"不"能极大地提高他的效率:
- 拒绝其实吻合经济学里的机会成本:拒绝一样事情,等于为其他事情留下了时间;反之,随意地答应会把时间让渡给这些事;
- 拒绝是一种决策,而答应则是一种责任;
- 要学会拒绝,首先要重新定义拒绝和答应;
Daily Productive Sharing 506 - Saying No to Gain Efficiency
One helpful tip per day:) Jemes Clear shared that it would greatly improve his efficiency by saying No. 1. saying no actually coincides with the opportunity cost in economics: refusing one thing is the same as leaving time for other things; conversely, a casual yes will yield time to those
Anne-Laure Le Cunff 指出注意力偏差往往会影响我们的决策,要减少这些偏差,我们可以:
- 注意自己的注意力。
- 不要轻信最明显的答案。
- 培养开放的心态。
Daily Productive Sharing 507 - How to Reduce Attention Bias?
One helpful tip per day:) Anne-Laure Le Cunff points out that attentional biases tend to influence our decisions and that to reduce them: 1. Pay attention to your attention. 2. Go beyond the most obvious answer. 3. Cultivate open-mindedness. If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe? Ne…
swyx 介绍了如何写公开的每周工作总结:
- 花15分钟写一份其他人5分钟可以读完的总结;
- 最重要的是坚持下去;
- 具体的内容因人而异,你可以设计自己的模版。
Daily Productive Sharing 508 - How to Write Weekly Summary for Work?
One helpful tip per day:) swyx describes how to write a public weekly summary of your work. 1. take 15 minutes to write a summary that others can read in 5 minutes. 2. the most important thing is to stick to it. 3. the details will vary from person to
在海外求职时,很多公司都会要求提交 CV 和 cover letter。前者大家基本都有所准备,而后者会让很多朋友摸不着头脑。Evan Prodromoou 介绍了一种非常不同的 cover letter 模式,其宗旨就是让雇佣方快速了解你:
- 你写的 cover letter 要让你自己也有兴趣读;
- 如果有具体的招聘介绍,那就找出其中的重点,然后一一对照写出自己是否符合这些条件。
Daily Productive Sharing 509 - How to Write Cover Letter Effectively?
One helpful tip per day:) Evan Prodromoou introduces a very different cover letter model, the purpose of which is to let the hiring manager quickly understand you: 1. you write a cover letter that you yourself are interested in reading. 2. if there is a specific job description, then identify
Lyn Alden 给出了如何快速积累财富的建议,主要分为以下几部分:
- 如何增加你的收入和储蓄更多的钱
- 如何实现储蓄的高增长率
- 如何永远产生被动的投资收入
- 她在33岁实现财务自由,从之前的航空制造业辞职,专心经营自己的财务分析网站,并担任多家公司的独立董事;
- 她大学时就开始经营自己的网站,毕业后将这个网站卖了,通过这笔收入还清了学生贷款;
- 她在职业初期曾经兼职担任武术教练;
- 她是极简主义者,只在自己喜欢的地方花钱。
Daily Productive Sharing 510 - What Did James Clear Do in 2019?
One helpful tip per day:) James Clear reflected on gains and losses in his 2019: 1. moving up the release date of Atomic Habbits from March 2019 to October 2018 allowed it being in time for the Christmas season, and for everyone to make New Year’s wishes. 2. giving multiple