DPS 周刊 56 - 财富自由
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本周读到两段实现财富自由的经历,一位是 Lyn Alden,一位是 Danielle Morrill。Lyn Alden 的经历很能说明问题:
- 她在33岁实现财务自由,从之前的航空制造业辞职,专心经营自己的财务分析网站,并担任多家公司的独立董事;
- 她大学时就开始经营自己的网站,毕业后将这个网站卖了,通过这笔收入还清了学生贷款;
- 她在职业初期曾经兼职担任武术教练;
- 她是极简主义者,只在自己喜欢的地方花钱。
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Shawn Blanc 反思道:除了一个 to do list,我们还需要一个 not doing list 吗?因为我们在实现目标时,常常被其他事干扰,所以我们需要一个 not doing list 来帮助我们集中注意力。
Daily Productive Sharing 511 - You Need A Not-to-do List
One helpful tip per day:) Shawn Blanc reflects: Do we need a not doing list in addition to a to do list? Because we are often distracted by other things when we are trying to achieve our goals, we need a not doing list to help us focus. If you
我们讨价还价时常常采取的一个策略是,取双方的中间值作为最后的报价。这招在讨价还价时的确有效,但是在决策中却是危险的。Hannah England 将这称之为 false compromis fallacy,她建议我们可以通过以下方式来避免这一问题:
- 考虑是否需要达成共识。
- 评估论据的强度。
- 对极端的决定持开放态度。
Daily Productive Sharing 512 - Why Is Chasing Middle Ground Not the Best Strategy?
One helpful tip per day:) One strategy we often use when bargaining is to take the middle ground between the two sides as the final offer. This works in bargaining, but not in decision making. Moreover, Hannah England calls this false compromise fallacy, and suggests that we can avoid it
Dickie Bush 介绍了一个写作框架:4A框架。
- Actionable:方法,可以帮助读者付诸于实践;
- Analytical:数据,可以将一个话题拆解为数据;
- Aspirational:帮助读者理解这一话题的可能性;
- Anthropological:帮助读者了解这一话题的可能性。
Daily Productive Sharing 513 - How to Write A Topic in Thousands Ways?
One helpful tip per day:) Dickie Bush introduces a writing framework - 4A Framework:• Actionable (here’s how)• Analytical (here’s are the numbers)• Aspirational (yes, you can)• Anthropological (here’s why) If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe? Need a superb CV, please try our CV Co…
如果你已经在科技业工作了五年,下一步做什么?Will Larson 给出了他的建议:
- 你还刚刚开始,还有很多东西要学,还有很多事情要做。
- 没有什么决定是永久的。
- 如果你很幸运,在你职业生涯的某个阶段,你会找到一家比以前更重视你的公司。
- 一旦你的简历 "看起来不错",你将有更多和更容易的机会获得有趣的机会,包括在你尝试的东西最终没有成功的情况下的第二次机会。
Daily Productive Sharing 514 - How Do You Position Yourself with 5-year Experience?
One helpful tip per day:) If you are a software engineer with 5-year experience, what can you do to improve yourself further? Will Larson shared some suggestions: 1. You’re still just getting started, there is still more to learn and new things to do. 2. Decisions aren’t permanent.
Lyn Alden 给出了如何快速积累财富的建议,主要分为以下几部分:
- 如何增加你的收入和储蓄更多的钱
- 如何实现储蓄的高增长率
- 如何一直产生被动的投资收入
Daily Productive Sharing 515 - How to Build Wealth?
One helpful tip per day:) Lyn Alden gives advice on how to build wealth quickly, broken down into the following sections. 1. How to increase your income and save more money 2. How to achieve a high growth rate on your savings 3. How to produce passive investment income forever