DPS 周刊 70 - 私教教会我的
- 帮助我学会了倒立,倒立撑,脚触杆,双力臂等等体操动作;
- 帮助我大幅提高深蹲,硬拉,挺举,抓举等绝对力量;
- 帮助我学会了双摇;
- 帮助我提高了划船机,滑雪机还有跑步等有氧耐力。
就像 David Perell 建议我们像运动员规划训练一样规划我们的学习,我想这些经验都是极其宝贵的,不仅可以让我们有更棒的身体,也可以让我们对自己有更多的掌控。
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Hannah Rose 认为我们的恐惧可以归为四类,每一类都有具体的应对方法:
- 身体上的恐惧:重新认识我们的身体可以帮助我们应对这种恐惧;
- 关系上的恐惧:识别各种关系对我们的影响,可以让我们决定是否继续保持这样的关系;
- 认知上的恐惧:把这些问题写下来,我们的好奇心能帮我们更好地面对这类恐惧;
- 行为上的恐惧:保持镇静能帮助我们更好地面对这类恐惧,所以我们需要学习如何保持镇静。
Daily Productive Sharing 581 - Coping with Fears
One helpful tip per day:) Hannah Rose believes that our fears can be grouped into four categories, each with specific ways of coping. 1. Bodily fear: appraise your body. 2. Interpersonal fear: identify problematic relationships. 3. Cognitive fear: foster your curiosity. 4. Behavioral fear: imp…
Juan Pablo Ortiz 说他自己一般不读自我帮助类书籍,但最近有两本书却对他帮助很大:
- How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
- Atomic Habits
Daily Productive Sharing 582 - Two Self-help Books
One helpful tip per day:) If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe Need a superb CV, please try our CV Consultation reading Juan Pablo Ortiz 说他自己一般不读自我帮助类书籍,但最近有两本书却对他帮助很大: 1. How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big 2. Atomic Habits 如果你喜欢我们的内容,不如支持我们 :) 需要更棒的简历,不妨试试我们的 CV…
Devon Zuegel 分析了新加坡成功的原因:
- 缺少自然资源使得他们必须与外界交易;
- 优越的地理位置使得他们得以发展港口和机场;
- 城市般大小的国家容易转型;
- 开明的政策和严格的法律吸引了大量外部投资和人才。
Daily Productive Sharing 583 - How Does Singapore Succeed?
One helpful tip per day:) Devon Zuegel analyzed the reasons for Singapore’s success. 1. lack of natural resources made it necessary for them to trade with the outside world; 2. a privileged location that allowed them to develop ports and airports; 3. the size of a city makes it easy
Keavy McMinn 介绍了她切入技术难题的方式:
- 最重要的是找到正确的问题;
- 要想找到问题所在,需要与用户交谈;
- 与不同的用户交谈,找到他们面临的共同问题;
- 与不同的用户交谈,找到他们对于解决这些问题的期待;
- 不是所有的资深工程师都需要做这些,但是总要有人做这些;
- 做这些访谈研究可能会与产品经理的工作有交集,但是亲自去做会有不同的收获。
Daily Productive Sharing 584 - Where to Start?
One helpful tip per day:) Keavy McMinn describes her approach to getting through technical challenges. 1. the most important thing is to find the right problem. 2. to find the problem, one needs to talk to users. 3. talking to different users to find the common problems they face. 4.
David Perell 建议我们像运动员规划训练一样规划我们的学习:
- 任何学习目标都可以被拆解为可执行的目标:我们可以以三个月为一个周期来做规划,然后拆分为每周甚至每天的小目标;
- 我们的学习目标不应该太容易,也不应该太难。太容易很快就会让我们失去兴趣,太难的话我们很快会放弃;
- 我们要着眼于最终的应用,而不仅仅是目标本身。比如我要学会画画,这是目标本身,而最终的应用是我自己会画今后每篇文章里的插画;
- 同时我们可以分享自己的学习经历,这样可以帮助我们保持好奇心,也能帮助别人。
Daily Productive Sharing 585 - Learn Like Athletes
One helpful tip per day:) David Perell suggests that we plan treat learning like an athlete planning his training:. 1. any learning goal can be broken down into executable goals: we can plan in three-month cycles and then break them down into smaller weekly or even daily goals. 2. our
Daily Productive Sharing 578 - Being Calm
One helpful tip per day:) Stephan Ango believes that maintaining calm is a superpower: 1. remaining calm is a choice. 2. staying calm helps us to focus on the problem itself. 3. staying calm can be practiced and needs to be practiced. If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe