DPS 周刊 73 - 我们坚持了600天

转眼间,我们迎来了 DPS 的第600期更新。600天,120周,说短不短,说长不长。刚开始的时候,我们从来没想过能坚持这么久。诚如 James Clear 在 Atomic Habits 一书中的观点:动力源自行动。一旦启动之后,我们才有动力继续前行,当然保持惯性也很重要,所以我们保持固定节奏的更新。

最近有朋友申请了新加坡的 PEP 签证,前后十周顺利拿到签证,正巧帮她做了一些准备,所以特此做一下记录。整个过程完全 DIY ,中间只找了几个熟悉流程的朋友确认了一些细节,所有材料都在一周内准备齐全,所以总体准备难度不大。


Exodus 2.13 - 最详尽的新加坡 PEP 签证申请指南

请注意,PEP 明年会有很大的改革,目前是最后的窗口期。如果你符合资质,请抓紧申请。最后祝大家申请顺利!

欢迎订阅《生产力周报》 专栏,获得最新生产力建议!


Morgan Housel 总结了几点写作吸引人注意力的方式:

  1. 直击要点;
  2. 讲好故事;
  3. 简单易懂;
  4. 教人思考;
  5. 关联已知。
Daily Productive Sharing 596 - How Can Writing Attract Attention?
One helpful tip per day:) Morgan Housel summarizes a few ways that writing attracts attention: 1. get to the point. 2. tell a good story. 3. be simple and easy to understand. 4. teach people to think. 5. relate to the known. If you enjoy today’s sharing, why not subscribe

Paul Stamatiou 是一位出色的设计师,他认为写作能极大地帮助他完成产品设计:

  1. 如果要想明白产品策略,可以分析现有产品,并写下来;
  2. 如果要想学习新领域,可以把自己想学的,和为什么想学写下来;
  3. 想要清理技术债,也可以把这些写下来。
Daily Productive Sharing 597 - How Does Writing Help Design?
One helpful tip per day:) Paul Stamatiou, an accomplished designer, believes that writing can greatly help him with product design by. 1. if one wants to understand product strategy, one can analyze existing products and write them down. 2. if one wants to learn new areas, one can write down


Daily Productive Sharing 598 - Unchanged
One helpful tip per day:) When Warren Buffett was asked when the economy would recover. Buffett asked in return, what was the best-selling candy in 1962 and now? The answer is same -- Snickers. In his view, it is far more important to focus on what is less likely to

Sam Dogen 分析了自己过往的投资经历,给八项被动收入来源打了分:

  1. 他的半数被动投资收益来源于房产,包括房产租赁和房产 REIT 等;
  2. 其次他看好的是股市和债市;
  3. 他自己创作的书籍也都卖得还不错。
Daily Productive Sharing 599 - The Best Passive Income Investments
One helpful tip per day:) Sam Dogen analyzed his past investment experience and scored eight passive income sources. 1. half of his passive investment income comes from property, including property rentals and property REITs, etc; 2. his next most bullish sources are the stock and bond markets;…

Paul Stamatiou 是一位很棒的设计师,在 Twitter 工作十年之后,加入了 Rewind.ai。他介绍了自己对于质量和设计的理解:

  1. 传统的 Ship, then iterate 其实是一个陷阱,最终会变成 shiterate;
  2. 过高地要求质量而不考虑实际情况,这是大家都痛恨的,所以更需要做出权衡;
  3. 人们选择某一样产品或者服务时,并不仅仅是因为它们能实现什么功能,还有很大的因素是因为它们带来什么样的感受;
  4. 保证质量是一个很大的挑战,但也会带来非常大的收益,关键在于我们是否愿意。
Daily Productive Sharing 600 - Design as Craftsmanship
One helpful tip per day:) Paul Stamatiou, an awesome designer who joined Rewind.ai after a decade at Twitter, describes his understanding of quality and design: 1. the traditional ‘ship, then iterate’ is actually a trap that eventually turns into shiterate. 2. the need to make trade-offs is all…
