DPS 周刊 90 - 疯狂的三月份
过去的这个月也是 AI 界疯狂进步的一个月,上一次如此疯狂,恐怕还是 CV 界的 AlexNet 的发布,只不过这回是 NLP 界的大语言模型 (LLM)。所以花了不少时间在学习这些新知识,也写了一些项目,感叹 ChatGPT API 之类的 LLM API 真是彻底革了 NLP 的命,原本以月为计的算法项目,现在可以以天为计了。而且这类 API 的设计大大简化了接口的参数,大大降低了上手门槛。
With the power of ChatGPT API, we just need 30 lines of code to accomplish a question and answer generation task. Yes, we spent most of the time to figure out how to use the prompt properly to fine tune the result.
三月份没多多少书,唯一读完的是张戎写的 Empress Dowager Cixi,一本详细介绍慈禧生平的书。张戎带来了一位完全不一样的慈禧,和高中历史教科书上完全不同的慈禧。尽管史学界对这本书的评价褒贬不一,但是从不同的角度来剖析这位中国历史上罕见的女性领导者,还是颇有新意的。
She told an official, Shi Nianzu, in an audience: ‘When it comes to China’s relationship with foreign countries, it is of course better to have peace. But before we can have real peace China must be ready to fight. If we give in to every demand, then the more we seek peace, the less likely we are going to get it.’
The truth is that it was she who had founded China’s modern navy; the building of the Summer Palace did not deprive it of cash, even though she did take a small portion of the funds. She did not actively participate in the war for a long time, not because she was indulging in her birthday preparations, but because Emperor Guangxu barred her. And far from being an appeaser, she was the only person in the court who unambiguously advocated rejecting Japan’s demands and fighting on.
Top of the list for change was the educational system, which was central to producing the ruling elite. By focusing narrowly on esoteric Confucian classics, it left them ill equipped for the modern age, as well as ensuring that more than 99 per cent of the population remained illiterate.
Cixi’s tolerance of attacks on her government – and on herself – as well as her willingness to permit a diversity of viewpoints were unmatched by any of her predecessors – or, arguably, her successors.
AwesomeVisa Exodus 也迎来了新作者 Ely,最新一期的 Exodus 2.21 就是由她带来的国内文件准备指南:
- 身份证明:护照、出生医学证明、婚姻证明;
- 学历证明:高中及大学成绩单、学位证及翻译、语言成绩;
- 工作经历证明:工作合同、缴税记录;
- 财务证明:银行卡流水、资产证明;
- 其他证明:无犯罪证明、医疗检查证明、更改姓名证明。
Andrew Bosworth 回顾了自己在 Meta 的经历,指出专注是很多维度的:
- 做事需要专注;
- 产品需要专注;
- 价值观需要专注。
Mark Manson 推荐了六本书,能让我们变成更好的自己:
- Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed
- Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
- Fooled By Randomness by Nassim Taleb
- Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
- Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson
Shane Parrish 指出,尽管当下 AI 辅助写作越来越流行,但是写作这一过程本身无法被取代:
- 写作是让我们了解自己的过程;
- 写作是让我们思考的过程;
- 写作不仅可以分享,也可以更好地了解他人。
David Smith 创建的 Widgetsmith 突破了一亿下载大关,他回顾了这一历程:
- 他坚持了十二年,创建了59个 app,经历了无数次失败,才有今天的成功;
- Widgetsmith 于2020年9月发布,两年半就达成了一亿下载量。可能是独立开发者创建的最成功的产品;
- 他感谢了 iOS 团队开发的 SDK ,也感谢了所有的用户,当然还有 indie dev 这个社区。
- 他鼓励大家勇于尝试,敢于失败,因为这样才有可能成功。
来自越南的独立开发者 Tony Dinh 最近收到了一个产品收购邀约,他分享了整个历程以及所学到的经验:
- 收购方两次报价分别为30万美金和50万美金,都低于 Tony 的预期;
- 对于 Tony 而言,他认为自己会卖掉这一产品的情形要满足三个条件:不再对这一产品感兴趣,不再相信它会增长,而且急需现金;
- 从收购方而言,他们的资金来自于各种借款和投资,所以他们不会先行支付大量现金;
- 因为不熟悉这一产品,所以收购方的接手成本很高,所以首付月底,他们的压力就越小。
题图源自 Unsplash