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Dan Koe analyzed why some people always fail, and two points stood out to me:
1. Mistakes are the real teachers—only when we hit a wall do
最近用 ChatGPT 和 Google Gemini 中的 deep research 功能去了解一些陌生领域,但是我并不喜欢用这种方式来了解这些陌生领域:
1. deep research 的确很高效,可以在短短几分钟内获得十几页甚至更详细的结果;
2. 而且生成的结果都非常结构化,只要你读了一个报告,了解了它的结构,读第二个报告也会觉得很熟悉;
3. 但我似乎没有多少耐心阅读这些内容,扫一眼前面的概述之后,直接就会跳到末尾的结论部分;
4. 这么读下来,其实会忽略很多细节。
5. 反倒是我去年自己花了很多时间去了解一些陌生领域,尽管亲自做要花很多时间,但是了解得更透彻。
6. 所以我在想,
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How to use LLMs to assist with programming? Simon Willison shares his experience:
1. If someone tells you coding with an LLM is easy, they are (perhaps unintentionally)
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Cory Zue says he works primarily to gain time:
1. Hofstadter’s Law: Things always take longer than you expect, even when you take Hofstadter’s Law into
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Ten years ago, Om Malik shut down his media company, GigaOm, which bore his name. Looking back, he reflects on several key lessons:
1. His good friend Tony