Dr Selfie

Dr Selfie

DPS 周刊 185 - Kevin Kelly 的旅行建议

最近 Kevin Kelly 分享了他51年来的旅行心得,其中一些深得我心。 50 Years of Travel TipsI’ve been seriously traveling for more than 50 years, and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve traveled solo, and I’ve led

Daily Productive Sharing 1173 - The Nature Game

One helpful tip per day:) Why do some people appear successful yet feel completely unhappy? Herbert Lui believes it's because they are playing a status game instead of a natural game:

Daily Productive Sharing 1172 - 50 Life Hacks

One helpful tip per day:) Sahil Bloom shared 50 pieces of life hacks, and some of them are inspiring: 1. Everything has a list price (surface cost) and a real price (what you