Daily Productive Sharing 1024 - What Makes A Good Teacher?

Daily Productive Sharing 1024 - What Makes A Good Teacher?
Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

What Makes a Good Teacher? Bob Doto, drawing from over twenty years of teaching experience, suggests the following four points:

  1. Embrace Different Perspectives - Have a comprehensive understanding of a subject while allowing for the existence of diverse viewpoints.
  2. Embrace Ignorance - Acknowledge that even teachers are not all-knowing; admitting your own ignorance can show students your humility.
  3. Understand Students' Ideas - Even if a student's idea seems absurd, there is a reason for its existence. Attempting to understand the "why" behind it can give students more space.
  4. Recognize Boundaries - Remember that you are ultimately the teacher and the students are the students. Don't forget these boundaries.

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如何才算一位好老师?Bob Doto 结合自己二十多年的教学经验,提出了以下四点:

  1. 接纳不同观点 -- 对一课题有着全面的了解,同时允许不同观点的存在;
  2. 拥抱无知 -- 即使是老师也不是全知全能的,承认自己的无知可以让学生看到你的谦虚;
  3. 理解学生的想法 -- 即使一个学生的想法很荒谬,也有它存在的道理,尝试理解这背后的为什么,可以给学生更多的空间;
  4. 明白边界的存在 -- 你终究是老师,而学生终究是学生,不要忘记这些边界。

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