Daily Productive Sharing 1031 - Do Not Sacrifice

Daily Productive Sharing 1031 - Do Not Sacrifice
Photo by Tiago Ferreira / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Is it worth quitting a $200,000 a year job to write full-time? According to Henrik Karlsson, sacrificing for the wrong thing is what’s truly not worth it:

  1. In his twenties, Henrik and his partner Johanna identified three most important things: intimate relationships, respecting their own curiosity, and giving their children the opportunity to do the first two.
  2. Spending twenty hours a week on your own projects can foster learning and growth, help you meet new friends, and accumulate to a thousand hours in a year.
  3. You don’t need to do what others do or have what others have. You should ask yourself what you truly want and then strive for it.

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放弃一份年薪20万美金的工作而全职写作,值不值得?在 Henrik Karlsson 看了,为了错误的事做出牺牲才是最不值得的:

  1. 早在二十多岁的时候,Henrik 就合他的伴侣 Johanna 列出了三项最重要的事 -- 亲密关系,尊重自己的好奇心,让自己的孩子有机会做到前两件事;
  2. 每周花二十小时在自己的项目上,可以促使你学习成长,结识新朋友,一年下来就是一千小时;
  3. 你无需做和别人一样的事,无需拥有他人拥有的东西。你应该问问自己,真正想要的是什么,然后为此而努力。

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