Daily Productive Sharing 1032 - Suggestions from Anthonyn Simon

Daily Productive Sharing 1032 - Suggestions from Anthonyn Simon
Photo by Tiago Ferreira / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Anthonyn Simon summarized a number of suggestions, and some of them are inspiring:

  1. Calm is the default state of mind, everything we do pulls us towards happiness or pain.
  2. For the past decade, I've been living in a culture where people can be brutally direct (at least to my ears). They're not always nice, but you know exactly where you stand.
  3. You can be truthful and kind at the same time.
  4. Instead, take care of yourself, and help others take care of themselves.⁠
  5. One day, you'll look back and realize that you wasted a lot of time and energy protecting your ego, or trying to fit in with people you don't really like.
  6. Generally, be quick to action, and course-correct as you go. > Most decisions can be undone.
  7. Not making a decision is a decision in itself too, and it usually leads to the worst outcome.
  8. For the big things in life, if you're not excited about something, it's a no.
  9. You can always make more money, but you can't make more time.
  10. Don't spend it on things you don't care about, or people who don't care about you.
  11. What you're most afraid of losing is what controls you. Don't get caught in that trap.
  12. You're not playing to win, you're playing to stay in the game.

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Anthonyn Simon 梳理了一些人生感悟,其中这些尤为重要:

  1. 平静是默认的心理状态,我们所做的一切都在将我们拉向幸福或痛苦。
  2. 在过去的十年里,我生活在一个人们可以非常直接的文化中。他们不总是友善,但你会知道自己处于什么位置。
  3. 你要照顾好自己,并帮助他人照顾好自己。
  4. 有一天,你会回过头来看,发现你浪费了很多时间和精力来保护你的自我,或者试图融入你并不真正喜欢的人群。
  5. 一般来说,行动要迅速,并在过程中修正方向。
  6. 不做决定本身也是一种决定,通常会导致最坏的结果。
  7. 对于生活中的重大事情,如果你对某件事不感到兴奋,那就否定它。
  8. 你总是可以赚更多的钱,但你不能制造更多的时间。
  9. 你最害怕失去的东西就是控制你的东西。不要陷入那个陷阱。
  10. 你不是在为了胜利而玩,而是在为了留在游戏中而玩。

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