Daily Productive Sharing 1038 - Being Flexible
One helpful tip per day:)
Herbert Lui is a highly prolific writer, but he admits that he sometimes can't publish his newsletter regularly:
- His life takes up most of his mental bandwidth, so publishing a newsletter every Sunday is not realistic.
- When he reduced the update frequency from weekly to every few weeks, his burden immediately lessened.
- He decided that when trying new things in the future, he wouldn't set too specific a time limit for himself, as being flexible makes it easier to stick with it.
Last year, we increased AwesomeVisa update frequency from bi-weekly to weekly, which made me feel immense pressure. This year, reducing it to once every ten days has indeed felt much more manageable.
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Herbert Lui 是一位非常高产的写作者,但他坦言自己有时候也无法定期发布电子报:
- 他的生活占据了大部分大脑带宽,所以每周日定期发布电子报不太现实;
- 当他把更新频率从每周降为每几周之后,他的负担立马小了很多;
- 他决定以后尝试新事物时,不要给自己太具体的时间限制,变得灵活更容易坚持下去。
去年我们将 AwesomeVisa 的更新频率从每两周一次到每周一次,这也让我觉得压力巨大,今年降到每十天一次,确实感觉轻松了很多。
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