Daily Productive Sharing 1042 - Short Wisdom
One helpful tip per day:)
Morgan Housel is a great writer, and he shared some brief but wise pieces:
- The best marketing is a good product.
- You could say you’re a platform diver, but in two seconds we can see if you are or you aren’t. That’s what people like about stand-up. They can trust it. Everything else is fake.
- If the criticism could be true, you might become outraged because you know it’s a genuine attack on your identity.
- When training, one-third of your days should feel good, one-third should feel OK, and one-third should feel terrible. That’s a good, balanced, routine.
- Every startup company is unlikely to work. It’s helpful to be in reality about that, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be optimistic.
- Optimists and pessimists don’t respond to the information they see as much as they do an interpretation of what they want to see.
- It’s almost impossible to charge for something once you’ve given it away for free.
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Morgan Housel 真是一位很棒的写作者,他刚刚分享了一些短小精悍的故事:
- 最好的营销是一个产品本身。
- 你可以说自己是一个跳水运动员,但我们两秒钟内就能看出你是否真的是。这就是人们喜欢单口喜剧的原因,他们可以信任它。其他一切都是假的。
- 如果批评可能是真的,你可能会感到愤怒,因为你知道这是对你身份的真实攻击。
- 在训练时,你的三分之一的日子应该感觉很好,三分之一感觉还行,三分之一感觉糟糕。这是一个好的、平衡的训练计划。
- 每个初创公司都不太可能成功。清楚地认识到这一点是有帮助的,但这并不意味着你不能保持乐观。
- 乐观主义者和悲观主义者并不是根据他们看到的信息做出反应,而是根据他们希望看到的解释做出反应。
- 一旦你免费提供某样东西,之后几乎不可能再收费。
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