Daily Productive Sharing 1047 - The Curse of Knowledge

Daily Productive Sharing 1047 - The Curse of Knowledge
Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski / Unsplash

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What is the curse of knowledge, and how should we deal with it? Anne-Laure Le Cunff offers her advice:

  1. The curse of knowledge refers to the cognitive gap between us and others—we assume others already understand certain things, leading to incorrect judgments.
  2. The curse of knowledge is actually very common, so the first step in dealing with it is to acknowledge its existence.
  3. To avoid the curse of knowledge, we can better understand our audience, use simplified language, provide more examples, show more, and interact more with the audience.
  4. On the other hand, these methods can also better encourage us to deepen our own understanding of these topics.

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什么是知识的诅咒?我们应该如何处理它?Anne-Laure Le Cunff 给出了她的建议:

  1. 知识的诅咒指的是我们与他人之间的认知差异 -- 我们假设他人已经明白某些事物,进而做出不正确的判断;
  2. 知识的诅咒其实非常常见,所以处理它的第一步是正视它们的存在;
  3. 至于下一步就是如何避免知识诅咒,我们可以更充分地了解我们的受众,使用简化的语言,多借助例子,多展示,多和受众互动;
  4. 另一方面,这些也能更好地促进我们去深入了解这些事物。

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