Daily Productive Sharing 1053 - Benefits of Writing

Daily Productive Sharing 1053 - Benefits of Writing
Photo by Lina Bob / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

What are the benefits of consistently writing? Anne-Laure Le Cunff, drawing on academic literature, lists several key advantages:

  1. Writing can make you happier and healthier, as it may increase the release of dopamine.
  2. Public writing can also make you more accountable.
  3. Writing helps you become more resilient because it allows you to release negative emotions.
  4. Writing gives you more opportunities to express gratitude and connect with those who have helped you.
  5. Writing can make your thinking clearer and your communication more effective.

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坚持写作有哪些好处?Anne-Laure Le Cunff 结合学术文献列举了几大好处:

  1. 写作能帮助你变得更开心更健康,因为它可能会增加多巴胺的分泌;
  2. 公开写作还能让你变得更有责任感;
  3. 写作能让你变得更有韧性,因为你可以通过它释放糟糕的情绪;
  4. 写作给予你更多的感激机会,让你与帮助过你的人联结;
  5. 写作能让你的思考变得更清晰,让你的沟通变得更有效。

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