Daily Productive Sharing 1054 - Navigation

Daily Productive Sharing 1054 - Navigation
Photo by Jerome / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

What is the hardest part of developing software? Paul W. Homer believes it’s navigation:

  1. Good navigation makes users feel completely natural, to the point where they don’t even notice it.
  2. Bad navigation makes the system feel very difficult to use.
  3. If data is likened to nouns, then functions are the verbs, and computation is how these functions are executed. Together, they form an environment, and guidance is about teaching users how to create and manage such an environment.
  4. The best interfaces impose the least cognitive burden on users; however, good interface design can become difficult to use as more functions are added.

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开发一个软件时,最难的是什么?Paul W. Homer 认为是引导用户使用:

  1. 好的引导会让用户感到十分自然,甚至感觉不到它的存在;
  2. 坏的引导会让用户觉得系统非常难用;
  3. 如果把数据比做名词的话,那么功能就是动词,而计算就是如何执行这些功能。把这些合起来就是一个环境,而引导就是教用户如何创建并管理这样一个环境;
  4. 最好的界面带给用户的认知负担最小;而好的界面设计可能因为功能的增加而变得难用。

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