Daily Productive Sharing 1055 - China in Sam Altman's Eyes

Daily Productive Sharing 1055 - China in Sam Altman's Eyes
Photo by Howen / Unsplash

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Looking back at Sam Altman's observations about China ten years ago, China was in high spirits at the time. Sam wrote some clear-headed analyses:

  1. Chinese people are very hardworking and consider hard work a virtue.
  2. At that time, Chinese people were very enthusiastic about discussing entrepreneurship and believed that China as a whole was becoming the best economy.
  3. The US needs to figure out how to coexist with China because, historically, when the number one economy is surpassed, it often leads to conflict and even war (unfortunately, now it's US-China decoupling).
  4. As the world's largest economy, the US has enjoyed many unique advantages, such as using the dollar for settlements, while the yuan is becoming another option. China might relax foreign exchange controls, and the yuan might appreciate, making offshore yuan more competitive (unfortunately, this didn't happen).
  5. The biggest advantage of the US is technology and innovation, not because Americans are inherently smarter, but because the environment is relatively relaxed and encourages such attempts. The US should continue to nurture this environment to foster more innovation.

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回看十年前 Sam Altman 写的中国观察,当时的中国意气风发。Sam 写下了很清醒的分析:

  1. 中国人非常勤劳,而且认为勤劳是件好事;
  2. 当时的中国人非常热衷讨论创业,而且认为中国作为一个整体正在成为最好的经济体;
  3. 美国需要弄清楚如何与中国共存,因为历史上,但第一经济体被超越时,总是伴随纷争,甚至战争 (可惜现在是中美脱钩);
  4. 作为世界上最的经济体,美国享受了很多独到的优势,比如使用美元结算,而人民币正在成为另一选择。中国有可能放松外汇管制,人民币可能会升值,让离岸人民币变得更有竞争力(可惜没有发生);
  5. 美国最大的优势就是科技与创新,并不是因为美国人天生聪明,而是环境比较宽松,鼓励这样的尝试。美国应该继续培育这样的环境,以期有更多的创新。

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