Daily Productive Sharing 1056 - Increase Your Learning Throughput

Daily Productive Sharing 1056 - Increase Your Learning Throughput
Photo by The New York Public Library / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

How can you improve learning efficiency? Scott Young, who completed MIT's computer science undergraduate curriculum in one year, shares his tips:

  1. Make good use of fragmented time, such as replacing addictive apps on your phone with educational ones.
  2. If you've already scheduled large blocks of time for studying, don’t try to fit all your fragmented time into studying as well, or you may quickly feel burned out.
  3. Make learning fun, as this will give you more motivation to study.
  4. Be mindful that you have to make trade-offs. Learning something new means you have to allocate time for it, which in turn means you won’t be able to do other things.

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如何提高学习效率?曾经在一年内学完 MIT 的计算机本科课程的 Scott Young 分享了他诀窍:

  1. 好好利用碎片时间,比如把手机里容易沉迷的 app 换成用来学习的 app;
  2. 如果你已经规划大块的时间用来学习,那么不要把所有的碎片时间也加进来,否则你很容易就感到厌恶;
  3. 让学习变得有趣起来,这样你也更有动力学习;
  4. 注意你要做出取舍,学习一样东西,意味着你要把时间分配出来,所以你就无法做另外一些事。

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