Daily Productive Sharing 1059 - Optimizations

Daily Productive Sharing 1059 - Optimizations
Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos / Unsplash

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What is code optimization, and how do you optimize it? Paul W. Homer explains it clearly in just a few words:

  1. Abstractly, code can be divided into three categories: ordinary code, redundant code, and optimized code. The second type is actually a variant of the first, but slower and more bloated; the third type is an optimized version of the first, more concise and faster.
  2. In many cases, so-called code optimization is about turning the second type of code back into the first type.
  3. Turning the first type of code into the third type requires a deeper understanding of computational logic to find faster ways of processing.
  4. Most importantly, code is just a set of instructions for performing calculations. We should aim to write code correctly the first time, at least as the first type, but ideally as the third type.

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什么是代码优化?如何优化?Paul W. Homer 用三言两语把这些讲得清清楚楚:

  1. 抽象来讲,可以把代码分为三类,一种是普通代码,一种是冗余代码,最后一种是优化后的代码。第二种其实是第一种的变体,变得更慢,更臃肿;第三种是第一种的优化版本,更简洁,运行得更快;
  2. 很多情况下,所谓的代码优化是吧第二种代码变成第一种;
  3. 要把第一种代码变成第三种,意味着要更熟悉计算逻辑,从而找到更快的运算方式;
  4. 最重要的是,代码只是用来执行计算的指令。我们要尽可能地在第一次写代码时就把代码写好,至少是第一种代码,最好是第三种代码。

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