Daily Productive Sharing 1060 - Productivity

Daily Productive Sharing 1060 - Productivity
Photo by Ramiro Pianarosa / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

As the CEO of OpenAI, how does Sam Altman stay productive? He shares a comprehensive set of strategies, some of which are quite unique:

  1. Choosing the right work to focus on is the most important factor for productivity, yet it’s often overlooked.
  2. If you get 10% more done and improve by 1% every day compared to others, the compounded difference is massive.
  3. The most impressive people have strong beliefs about the world, which is rare in the general population.
  4. Ensure you leave enough time in your schedule to think about what work to focus on.
  5. Try to figure out who likes (and is good at) doing what, and delegate accordingly.
  6. If you find yourself not enjoying what you’re doing for an extended period, seriously consider making a major job change.
  7. You can learn anything you want, and you can improve quickly.
  8. Surround yourself with smart, productive, happy, and positive people who won’t belittle your ambitions.
  9. Prioritize in a way that generates momentum. The more you accomplish, the better you feel, and the more you can achieve.
  10. If I really want something to happen and push hard enough, it usually happens.
  11. The first few hours of the morning are definitely the most productive time of the day, so he doesn’t allow anyone to schedule anything during this time.
  12. The right goal is to allocate your year optimally, not just your day.
  13. Sleep is the most important physical factor affecting productivity, exercise is likely the second most important, and nutrition is the third.
  14. Whenever he can’t sleep, he takes a low dose of sleeping pills (like a third of a normal dose) or a very low dose of cannabis.
  15. He drinks a big shot of espresso immediately upon waking and another after lunch. This amounts to about 200mg of caffeine per day.
  16. He generally avoids people and situations that put him in a bad mood.

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身为 OpenAI 的 CEO,Sam Altman 如何保持高效?他分享了全方位的秘籍,其中一些颇为独到:

  1. 选择正确的工作内容是提高生产力最重要的因素,但通常几乎被忽视。
  2. 如果你每天比别人多完成10%的工作并提升1%的能力,累积的差距会非常大。
  3. 最令人印象深刻的人对世界有着强烈的信念,这在普通人群中很少见。
  4. 确保在日程中留出足够的时间思考应该做什么工作。
  5. 尝试找出谁喜欢(并擅长)做什么,然后根据这个来分配任务。
  6. 如果你发现自己长时间不喜欢正在做的事情,应该认真考虑是否要做一次重大的工作调整。
  7. 你可以学到任何你想学的东西,而且你可以很快提高。
  8. 尽量和聪明、富有生产力、快乐且积极的人在一起,这些人不会贬低你的志向。
  9. 尽量按照能带来动力的方式来优先排序。完成得越多,感觉就越好,然后就能完成更多的事情。
  10. 如果真的想要某件事发生并且我努力推动它,它通常都会实现。
  11. 早晨的头几个小时绝对是一天中效率最高的时间,所以他不让任何人安排这段时间的活动。
  12. 正确的目标是合理分配一年,而不是一天。
  13. 睡眠是影响生产力的最重要的生理因素, 锻炼可能是第二重要的,营养是第三重要的;
  14. 每当他无法入睡时,他会服用少量的安眠药(例如正常剂量的三分之一)或极低剂量的大麻。
  15. 起床后立即喝一大杯浓缩咖啡,午餐后再喝一杯。每天大约是200毫克的咖啡因。
  16. 一般会避免让他心情不好的人和情境。

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