Daily Productive Sharing 1062 - Swimming as My Hobby
One helpful tip per day:)
What drives you to travel? For Mark Wien, the answer is food, and for Ryan Holiday, the answer is swimming:
- First, swimming is a low-impact, full-body workout;
- I love swimming because it's one of the few places on Earth where screens can’t reach you;
- Just like when I run, I’m amazed by the words that pop into my head when I leave the computer to do something else;
- Since I can’t immediately write those words down, I have to keep repeating the phrases or ideas in my head... often forgetting how many laps I've done in the process;
- Sometimes I think half the victory of swimming is in that — the moment of diving into the water.
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是什么驱使你去旅行?Mark Wien 的答案是食物,Ryan Holiday 的答案是游泳:
- 首先,游泳是低冲击的全身锻炼;
- 我喜欢游泳的原因是,它是地球上少数几个屏幕无法触及的地方之一;
- 就像我跑步时一样,每当我离开电脑去做其他事情时,我对自己脑海中蹦出的词语感到惊讶;
- 由于我无法立刻把这些词语写下来,我只能不断在脑中重复这些短语或想法……经常因此忘记自己游了几圈;
- 有时候我觉得游泳的胜利有一半就在于——跃入水中的瞬间。
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