Daily Productive Sharing 1063 - Finishing

Daily Productive Sharing 1063 - Finishing
Photo by Masood Aslami / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

Do you have many half-finished personal projects? Tomas Stropus analyzed the motivations behind this and how to address the issue:

  1. Unfinished personal projects not only take up hard drive space but also drain our mental energy and harm our self-confidence;
  2. Unlike work projects, personal projects usually don't have deadlines, so there's little external motivation;
  3. Completing a project teaches us how to persevere, pay attention to details, and let go;
  4. Finishing and releasing a project allows us to receive feedback;
  5. To complete a project, it’s best to define what “finished” means before starting;
  6. Start by completing small projects one by one;
  7. Every project completed is worth celebrating.

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你有没有很多做了一半没有完成的个人项目?Tomas Stropus 分析了这后面的动机,以及如何应对这一问题:

  1. 未完成的个人项目不仅占用硬盘空间,还耗费我们的心力,损害我们的自信;
  2. 与工作中的项目不同,个人项目通常没有什么死线,也就没什么外驱力;
  3. 完成一个项目会教会我们如何坚持,如何注重细节,如何放弃;
  4. 完成一个项目并发布,可以让我们收获反馈;
  5. 要想完成一个项目,最好在开始前就定义清楚什么是“完成”;
  6. 一个先从完成一个个小项目开始;
  7. 每完成一个项目,都值得我们庆祝。

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