Daily Productive Sharing 1064 - Learning

Daily Productive Sharing 1064 - Learning
Photo by K8 / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

What kind of profession is coding, really? Paul W. Homer believes it's a career that requires continuous learning:

  1. Coding requires us to keep learning in order to stay up to speed;
  2. The more you know, the higher the quality of your code, so knowledge is especially important;
  3. For him, the best way to learn is directly from others;
  4. Beyond that, there are many other ways to learn, such as reading articles, reading books, writing code yourself, and more;
  5. When he sees an example, he ensures he understands the “why” behind it before adopting it.

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写代码到底是一份什么样的职业?Paul W. Homer 认为这是一个需要不断学习的职业:

  1. 写代码需要我们不断学习,只有这样才能跟上节奏;
  2. 你知道得越多,你的代码质量就越高,所以知识尤为重要;
  3. 对他而言,最好的学习方式是从别人那里直接学习;
  4. 除此之外还有很多学习方式,比如阅读文章,阅读书籍,亲自写代码,等等;
  5. 当他看到一个例子的时候,他会确保自己明白其中的“为什么”之后,才会采用这一例子。

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