Daily Productive Sharing 1067 - Reborn of Moleskine

Daily Productive Sharing 1067 - Reborn of Moleskine
Photo by Pavel Polívka / Unsplash

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How did Moleskine notebooks make a comeback? Roland Allen explored its history:

  1. In 1995, Maria Sebregondi and Francesco Franceschi decided to develop a product aimed at modern "nomads," hoping to attract creative, free-spirited, and mobility-focused consumers;
  2. Their inspiration came from the classic black oilcloth notebooks used by famous writers like Chatwin and Hemingway. Two years later, Moleskine launched in Milan, sold through bookstores, with 3,000 notebooks sold in the first year and 30,000 in the second;
  3. Moleskine’s design considered the needs of frequent travelers: the notebook is durable, pocket-sized, and includes an elastic band to keep it closed;
  4. Around the same time, the Palm Pilot PDA was launched. Nearly thirty years later, the Palm brand has all but disappeared, while Moleskine remains a best-seller.

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Moleskine 笔记本是如何重生的?Roland Allen 挖掘了它的历史:

  1. 1995年,Maria Sebregondi 和 Francesco Franceschi 一起决定开发一看针对现代“游牧者”这一群体的产品,以期吸引创意型、自由奔放并且追求移动性的消费者;
  2. 他们的灵感来自于著名作家如 Chatwin 和海明威使用的经典黑色油布笔记本。两年后,Moleskine 在米兰上市,通过书店销售,第一年卖了3000本,第二年卖了30000本;
  3. Moleskine 的设计考虑了频繁旅行的需求:本子结实耐操,大小刚好可以放进口袋里,有一根皮筋可以防止本子打开;
  4. 同期,Palm Pilot 这款 PDA 上市,将近三十年后,Palm 连同品牌都消失殆尽,而 Moleskine 依旧畅销如故。

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