Daily Productive Sharing 1068 - 10 Years of Making Podcasts

Daily Productive Sharing 1068 - 10 Years of Making Podcasts
Photo by Mathias Reding / Unsplash

One helpful tip per day:)

After ten years of podcasting, what insights does Tim Ferriss have?

  1. If you try to grab everything, you might end up with nothing;
  2. When you're in the middle of it, it can be hard to see the bigger picture;
  3. He decided to stop doing interviews for new book launches;
  4. Moving forward, he will only interview two types of people: those whom 90% of his audience already knows, and those whom less than 10% are familiar with.

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做了十年播客之后,Tim Ferries 有什么感悟?

  1. 如果你什么都想要,就可能什么都抓不住;
  2. 当你身处其中,可能很难看清周遭;
  3. 他决定不再发布新书访谈;
  4. 今后他只会访谈两类人,一类是90%的听众都知道的人,另一类是连10%都不知道的人。

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